Field Trips and Organization Trips
Read this information before you reserve your group trip!
The Potawatomi Zoo offers discounted admission and attraction tickets for qualifying Field Trips. We also offer discounted admission for Organization Trips.
- Field Trip Group Rates: Available for K-12 school groups with 20 or more paid admissions during the week.
- Organization Trip Group Rates: Available for other organizations like camps, daycares, churches, and adult care facilities with 30 or more paid admissions during the week or on the weekend.
In order to receive the discounted rates, you must return the correct, completed registration form to the Zoo by emailing in advance of your trip. The registration form is included below.
Please read through all of the instructions and guidelines before your field trip or group trip.
Once your group trip registration has been received, the Zoo will send you a confirmation with additional information.
Payments will need to be received 2 weeks prior to arrival with final group information. You can pay for your Potawatomi Zoo Field trip using cash, check, or credit card. Potawatomi Zoo memberships may be used. If an adult or child in your group is using a Potawatomi Zoological Society Membership, the admissions staff will need copies of membership cards and photo identification of the primary card holder at the time of payment 2 weeks before the field trip.

Field Trips and Organization Trips
Read this information before you reserve your group trip!
The Potawatomi Zoo offers discounted admission and attraction tickets for qualifying Field Trips. We also offer discounted admission for Organization Trips.
- Field Trip Group Rates: Available for K-12 school groups with 20 or more paid admissions during the week.
- Organization Trip Group Rates: Available for other organizations like camps, daycares, churches, and adult care facilities with 30 or more paid admissions during the week or on the weekend.
In order to receive the discounted rates, you must return the correct, completed registration form to the Zoo by emailing in advance of your trip. The registration form is included below.
Please read through all of the instructions and guidelines before your field trip or group trip. Questions? See below.
Once your group trip registration has been received, the Zoo will send you a confirmation with additional information.
Payments will need to be received 2 weeks prior to arrival with final group information. You can pay for your Potawatomi Zoo Field trip using cash, check, or credit card. Potawatomi Zoo memberships may be used. If an adult or child in your group is using a Potawatomi Zoological Society Membership, the admissions staff will need copies of membership cards and photo identification of the primary card holder at the time of payment 2 weeks before the field trip.

Information For Your Trip
Field Trip Group Rates are available for K-12 school groups with 20 or more paid admissions (not including Zoo Members or babies 2 and under) on weekdays April, May, September, October. Contact the Zoo for trips between June and August. Rates are subject to change.
Teachers & Bus Drivers-Free with a copy of school ID
Chaperones: $7.50 per person
Students (9th grade through 12th grade): $7.50 per person
Students (Pre-K through 8th grade): $6.50 per person
Train: $3 per ticket (when purchased as a group)
Carousel: $3 per ticket (when purchased as a group)
Picnic Grove: Due to construction, the picnic grove is not available.
In order for chaperones to receive the group rate, payment must be submitted to the teachers. The Zoo will no longer allow additional adults to pay the group rate separately at the entrance.
Visitors can use Potawatomi Zoo Memberships, but Zoo Members do not count toward the total number of paid admissions to receive the group rate.
If an adult or child in your group is using a Potawatomi Zoological Society Membership, the admissions staff will need copies of membership cards and photo identification of the primary card holder at the time of payment 2 weeks before the field trip.
Organization Trip Group Rates are available for organizations like churches, daycares, camps, or adult care facilities with 30 or more paid admissions (not including Zoo Members or babies 2 and under) during the week or on weekends.
Adults (ages 15 and up): $12 per person
Children (ages 3-14): $10 per person
Train and Carousel: $3 per ticket (can be purchased in advance)
Picnic Grove: Due to construction, the picnic grove is not available.
To receive the group rate, payment must be submitted in one method of payment. The Zoo will no longer allow additional guests to pay the group rate separately at the entrance.
Visitors can use Potawatomi Zoo Memberships, but Zoo Members do not count toward the total number of paid admissions to receive the group rate.
If an adult or child in your group is using a Potawatomi Zoological Society Membership, the admissions staff will need copies of membership cards and photo identification of the primary card holder at the time of payment 2 weeks before the trip.
We hope you have fun visiting the Zoo with your group!
Remember to bring the bottom portion of your confirmation form to the Field Trip Entrance (applies to field trips and organization trips).
Fill out the confirmation form with the final, exact counts of paid admissions, as well as anything else you’d like to pay for when you enter the Zoo and give it to the admissions cashier.
Please go over the Zoo Rules with your group prior to arriving at the Zoo.
Groups may unload at the Zoo curb, but please be respectful of other buses and visitors using the parking lot.
Buses may not park in the main Zoo lot. Buses may park in Kid’s Kingdom parking lot, on Wall Street, or on Greenlawn Avenue.
Please don’t bring food into the Zoo. If you have sack lunches, there are picnic table in Potawatomi Park (on the other side of the parking lot). You can also order catering from the Potawatomi Zoo. Email or call 574-235-9800 for more information.

During your field trip at Potawatomi Zoo, you are visiting the animals’ homes, so please be respectful and abide by the following rules. Guests who do not abide by the Zoo Rules may be asked to leave.
Potawatomi Zoo’s Education Department has created the following activities that teachers can download and use with their students while visiting the Zoo. Feel free to modify activities to better fit your lessons and needs. Current activities include:
Schedule a 30-minute animal program where students can meet and learn about 3 different animals during your field trip. Programs start at $60. To schedule contact 574-235-9070 or email
Questions About Your Group Trip?
Contact Group Admission at (574) 235-7620 or
Questions about Education Programs?
Contact the Education Department at (574) 235-7621 or
Questions about Catering?
Arrange Zoo catering by contacting Canteen at 574-235-5515 or
Information For Your Trip
Field Trip Group Rates are available for K-12 school groups with 20 or more paid admissions (not including Zoo Members or babies 2 and under) on weekdays April, May, September, October. Contact the Zoo for trips between June and August. Rates are subject to change.
Teachers & Bus Drivers: Free with a copy of school ID
Chaperones: $7.50
Students (9th grade through 12th grade): $7.50 per person
Students (Pre-K through 8th grade): $6.50 per person
Train: $3 per ticket (when purchased as a group)
Carousel: $3 per ticket (when purchased as a group)
Picnic Grove: Due to construction, the picnic grove is not available.
In order for chaperones to receive the group rate, payment must be submitted to the teachers. The Zoo will no longer allow additional adults to pay the group rate separately at the entrance.
Visitors can use Potawatomi Zoo Memberships, but Zoo Members do not count toward the total number of paid admissions to receive the group rate.
If an adult or child in your group is using a Potawatomi Zoological Society Membership, the admissions staff will need copies of membership cards and photo identification of the primary card holder at the time of payment 2 weeks before the field trip.
Organization Trip Group Rates are available for organizations like churches, daycares, camps, or adult care facilities with 30 or more paid admissions (not including Zoo Members or babies 2 and under) during the week or on weekends.
Adults (ages 15 and up): $12 per person
Children (ages 3-14): $10 per person
Train and Carousel: $3 per ticket (can be purchased in advance)
Picnic Grove: Due to construction, the picnic grove is not available.
To receive the group rate, payment must be submitted in one method of payment. The Zoo will no longer allow additional guests to pay the group rate separately at the entrance.
Visitors can use Potawatomi Zoo Memberships, but Zoo Members do not count toward the total number of paid admissions to receive the group rate.
If an adult or child in your group is using a Potawatomi Zoological Society Membership, the admissions staff will need copies of membership cards and photo identification of the primary card holder at the time of payment 2 weeks before the trip.
We hope you have fun visiting the Zoo with your group!
Remember to bring the bottom portion of your confirmation form to the Field Trip Entrance (applies to field trips and organization trips).
Fill out the confirmation form with the final, exact counts of paid admissions, as well as anything else you’d like to pay for when you enter the Zoo and give it to the admissions cashier.
Please go over the Zoo Rules with your group prior to arriving at the Zoo.
Groups may unload at the Zoo curb, but please be respectful of other buses and visitors using the parking lot.
Buses may not park in the main Zoo lot. Buses may park in Kid’s Kingdom parking lot, on Wall Street, or on Greenlawn Avenue.
Please don’t bring food into the Zoo. If you have sack lunches, there are picnic table in Potawatomi Park (on the other side of the parking lot). You can also order catering from the Potawatomi Zoo. Email or call 574-235-9800 for more information.
All Zoo Rules can be found here.
During your field trip at Potawatomi Zoo, you are visiting the animals’ homes, so please be respectful and abide by the following rules. Guests who do not abide by the Zoo Rules may be asked to leave.
Potawatomi Zoo’s Education Department has created the following activities that teachers can download and use with their students while visiting the Zoo. Feel free to modify activities to better fit your lessons and needs. Current activities include:
Schedule a 30-minute animal program where students can meet and learn about 3 different animals during your field trip. Programs start at $60. To schedule contact 574-235-9070 or email
Questions About Your Group Trip?
Contact Group Admission at (574) 235-7620 or
Questions about Education Programs?
Contact the Education Department at (574) 235-7621 or
Questions about Catering?
Arrange Zoo catering by contacting Canteen at 574-235-5515 or

Field Trip Scholarships
AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums are vital partners with formal school programs and organizations. At the Zoo, children can make discoveries, deepen interests, and connect their natural curiosity to the wider world.
The Potawatomi Zoo is committed to developing the skills needed for a lifetime of learning. Through our Educational Assistance Program, we aim to make that goal more accessible for more children. Thanks to the donors who contribute to the EAP, admission costs for children and chaperones are covered for approved applicants to the program.*
If you’re interested in contributing to the EAP, please contact Jessica at
*Program requirements must be met for approval of funds.
Field Trip Scholarships
AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums are vital partners with formal school programs and organizations. At the Zoo, children can make discoveries, deepen interests, and connect their natural curiosity to the wider world.
The Potawatomi Zoo is committed to developing the skills needed for a lifetime of learning. Through our Educational Assistance Program, we aim to make that goal more accessible for more children. Thanks to the donors who contribute to the EAP, admission costs for children and chaperones are covered for approved applicants to the program.*
If you’re interested in contributing to the EAP, please contact Jessica at
*Program requirements must be met for approval of funds.