Phasianide meleagris
Animal Class: Birds
Length: 3.6 to 3.8 feet
Weight: 5.5 to 18.8 pounds
Life Span: 3-4 years
Diet: Insects, nuts, seeds, and berries
Habitat: Forest, shrubland, and grassy plains
Description: Only male turkeys display the ruffled feathers, fanlike tail, bare head, and bright beard commonly associated with these birds. They also gobble with a distinctive sound that can be heard a mile (a kilometer and a half) away. Females lay 4 to 17 eggs, and feed their chicks after they hatch—but only for a few days. Young turkeys quickly learn to fend for themselves as part of mother/child flocks that can include dozens of animals. Males take no role in the care of young turkeys.
Our Animals: Scotch and Brandy (red bourbon breed of turkey)