Trumpeter Hornbill
Bycanistes bucinator
Animal Class: Birds
Length: 23-26 inches long
Weight: 1-1.5 pounds
Lifespan: Around 20 years
Diet: Fruit and large insects
Habitat: Native to tropical evergreen forests of southeastern Africa from South Africa to Kenya
Description: Trumpeter hornbills are a social species, and they live in small family groups of 2-5 birds, although they can have as many as 50 in a group. They’re intelligent and friendly, and communicate with a wide variety of chirps, whistles, and wails. These sounds are amplified via the protrusion on the top of their bill, known as a casque, a feature common to all hornbills.
Another interesting characteristic of trumpeter hornbills, and many other hornbills, is that the female walls herself up in her nest (usually made in a hollowed out tree) while she’s incubating eggs. In fact, she won’t leave the nest until her chicks fledge, which takes about 3 months. During that time, her mate feeds her through a small opening in the nest wall.
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Our Animals: Louise and Leonard